Our Service is to provide you professional assistance in medical transcription, billing, coding and claims processing. We constantly strive to build our reputation as a service provider that combines quality of service, integrity, innovation, knowledge, professionalism and flexibility in understanding your particular businesses, identifying and assessing your needs, and customizing the best work process solutions to each and every client's needs anytime.
We are a firm believer that physicians should be able to practice medicine without the headaches of running the office themselves, thus giving their patients the best care they deserve. We are committed to providing #1 service to your practice.
Medical Billing |
Medical Transcription |
Solution to your Medical Practice |
We file claims electronically so claims are reimbursed to the practice in 7 to 14 business days, for most insurance companies. Our clients reduce their overhead expenses by using our services. There are no hidden costs or additional charges. A monthly report is given to the practice/doctor of the charges and payments received. Our transcription service works well for our clients since most insurance companies now require documentation for your claims. The claims are then not put hold because we are able to retrieve office notes immediately.